Must Watch Film Franchises From Our Childhood

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Must Watch Film Franchises From Our Childhood

Must See Film Franchises From Our Childhood

There are variousgreat film franchises of our youth. Both these films have attained cult status. These films are actually the gateway which children open to the domain of science fiction and experience which become movies of their own. Both these franchises were monumental inventions. They`re among the very first of their genre and it is safe to state that they are among the best of the greatest.

List of Films


Star Wars

Star Wars opened our awareness to a world that hadn`t been observed before. Following this fantastic experience, there came two sequels as well as the prequels. This was created by George Lucas and one of the must watch childhood film franchise. This allowed us to explore the fantastic worlds which the trilogy created. All this is very good, but Star Wars laid the cornerstone for what modern theater can create today.


The following adventure franchise which was introduced was that the X-Men. This series spawned quite a few different spin offs such as the X-Men: The Ultimate Collection. It appeared that this film franchise will be a huge hit. But it never did achieve the identical amount of success thatit had hoped for.

Indiana Jones

He solves the issue with just a bit of help from his trusty whip. This was the basis for all the adventures that we enjoy today. The very first series of Indiana Jones films introduced us to the character and gave us the adventures that we`d come to enjoy over the next few decades. If you want to understand more about the filmmaker behind this, see It is still one of the best adventure series which has ever been produced.

Following this set of Indiana Jones films, came the Bond series. This show introduced us to a few of the world`s greatest bad guys. Agent 47 is Agent 007, that is well, let`s just say thatthis series was bold.

The Hulk

The Hulk is another great film starring Lou Ferrigno. I particularly love his portrayal of the father of Hilda Koronel, played by Edward Norton. He brings a level of strength and ferocity for his role which you can`t find in a great deal of modern films. The Hulk is put up as a psychological thriller that takes place around the time of World War Hulk. What a fantastic film and this really is a must-see film franchise.

At length, in the late 1990s came a film franchise known as the Fantastic Four. This film series kicked off the superhero craze and is still going strong today. These pictures have a whole lot of humor and charm to them. They are also a wonderful source of comparison to other comic book movies which are being produced today.

While I think about all these films, 1 film thatI can`t get enough of is The amazing Four. I watched this film as a child and loved it. Today, there are lots of different variations of The Fantastic Four films I would watch. It is an excellent source of amusement and a fantastic escape from the actual world.

If you have a chance, I strongly recommend checking out the several versions of those pictures. Each has their own charm and it`s a shame they aren`t longer around. I hope that one day, somebody will generate a new version of The Fantastic Four and require it to a new degree. Even if that occurs, I`ll always have a soft place in my heart with this fantastic film franchise.

For those who have not seen these films, or have not been a fan since the very first one, I strongly suggest you have a look. Because while they may be lacking in certain areas, they have plenty to offer. This really is an excellent film franchise and I strongly recommend it.

Among the things which stand out the most about those films is their visual style. They`re full of action, adventure, superpowers, and also a great deal of humor. Each these elements combine to make the best of the superhero genre. The Fantastic Four is set up as an global espionage case, which involves the theft of the Four Wonders of the World. It is fun and it is thrilling to follow their mission from beginning to end.