Five Drunk Driving Defenses

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DUI is a serious charge that can lead to jail time. Avoid prison,fines,license suspension,and other penalties by mounting a solid defense together with your -. Tell them every detail that you can remember so they can craft a suitable legal strategy. Below are some of the possible drunk driving defenses that you can use.

Improper Stoppage

Police officers are not allowed to stop cars without any probable cause. If you were obeying all traffic rules,you should be able to drive in peace. They will only have a valid reason to stop you if you were committing a violation,such as speeding or beating the red light. Improper stoppage can lead to an outright dismissal.

Involuntary Intoxication

You may argue that you ingested alcohol without any knowledge of it. For example,you might have thought that a party was serving regular fruit punch or juice. Someone may have spiked it with alcohol without making the disclosure. Since you didn’t knowingly drink and drive,you should not be blamed for being intoxicated.

Incorrect Field Sobriety Testing

Officers can charge you with DUI regardless of your blood alcohol level if you exhibit obvious signs of intoxication. They usually ask the driver to undergo a field sobriety test which consists of several activities that gauge motor control,balance,and mental clarity. A regular person should be able to pass this without any issues. However,some officers don’t follow the correct procedures leading to inaccurate results.

Inaccurate Breathalyzer Test

-may also challenge the accuracy of the equipment. They might check if the device has been properly maintained and calibrated. They will see whether the officer was properly trained.

Questionable Chain of Custody

The blood sample used for testing must be protected against mishandling,tampering,and contamination.- may raise questions regarding the chain of custody to plant doubts about the accuracy of the findings.